Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fat Cat Finds

Okay has officially been 1-1/2 yrs from my one & only Blog! How sad is that? I set up the blog with the intention to actually use it and I think I got stunted by what to actually post about! I had made a list and would come across it from time to time when playing the paperwork shuffle in my office. Each time I did I would question myself...does anyone really care about what I have to say about design or our garden or our pets, etc? Well it's now 2012 (my other blog was in 2010) and too much has happened in our life not to share! So away we go...

We just returned from 2 weeks in Florida. Primary purpose...participate in the 49th annual Coconut Groves Arts Fest in Miami! This in turn gave way to a very overdue visit with my family! It's always great to see everyone but 3 short days in Sarasota & GA means a lot of time in the car shuffling between households sneaking in a few moments of beachcombing along the way!

Each time we get to travel to a show we like to hunt for tins!! It's great to see what tins were more common to that area and often we stumble upon new tins we've never seen before. This trip was great because we were able to hit 6 different states along the drive there & back and found 41 tins (and tin trays)! Not too shabby!

Not all our tins get cut. If you've ever seen us at a show you've probably heard us say we have a huge collection that we won't cut, and we do! Either they're more rare or just plain too cool to cut! But I'll save showing you guys those for another blog :)

This tin is one of those that won't get cut. It's my favorite from this trip! It's a "DeMet's" Assorted candies from Chicago. Part of what I love is of course the awesome woman's face & color but also, if you look to the left you can see someone along the way sketched a woman's silhouette into the tin. That's pretty priceless!

We found lots of awesome treasures while "hunting for tins" which is hands down the best perk EVER!!! Here's a glimpse of the ones that made the voyage home with us...

Back to work I go! Next blog coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! I will keep an eye out for tins when I go to the gulf this weekend. Suz
